+7 (812) 703-72-85
Welcome to the site of the operator Nemiya.com

NEMIYA NETWORK: Internet provider

The company was established in 2005 by an initiative group of high-level technical specialists in various fields. The main task of the company was to provide high-quality access to the network and in the field of communications and telecommunications to households in the Central District of St. Petersburg.

Free internet connection
Specialists will connect your apartment with high quality and in the shortest possible time. Set up Wi-Fi for all devices!
Convenient form of payment
Payment terminals: Kassira.net, PetroElectroSbyt, Comepay, JSCB Baltika, Plastic cards: Visa, MasterCard
We have made an online business class available.
Fast, reliable and excellent call quality, best routes (ping), symmetric channel. Without modems and archaisms.
24-hour technical support
Round-the-clock technical support. 24-hour monitoring of communication quality systems.